What the fuck is up with all the selfies ?
Have we grown into a generation where the most popular thing to do is taking pictures of ourselves ?
No, fuck that shit harder than hard.
The selfie fad has gone overboard like a drunken fisherman, no matter where we go on the internet there is at least five selfies there, and it is clearly commentbait on every fucking post.
Do we really need to feel validated constantly ?
What will this do to the children that will grow up to be "our future" ?
If those kids need to be showered with positivity and they can't handle any criticism they're as useless as a teaspoon in orbit, and this is what we're breeding ?
Tis isn't only a problem with selfies, but a bigger problem with the way we handle kids and adults, many adults i have met is more or less just big kids trying to be bigger than they actually are.
I'm not saying that all people are like this, but the amount of loafheads is far too big, they just have the need to feel good all the time.
It seems this is what happened with the tumblr community we all love to hate ( for good reason ), now we have more that two genders it seems, and the insanity that is otherkin.
This is a tornado of mental instabilities and whoring out just to feel good, and it also is increasing in numbers.
I suspect that that shit will end in a few years when they find something new to make them feel special, and this seems pretty often to be brushed under the rug.
Mentally ill teenagers seems to be "hip" now, and that's fucking terrifying.
By the way, fuck selfie sticks.
Only time will tell where we go from here, but i suspect we will continue to go downhill as we've done these last years.
I'm pretty interested in seeing how much we can fuck ourselves up though, so the moral of this story is ; FUCK SELFIE STICKS HARD.
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